'Boom!' NRA brags on Twitter after Americans buy a record 27 MILLION guns in 2016

  • FBI background check numbers roughly equal to gun sales were 27,583,673
  • 2016 numbers show a 19-month-trend of record level growth by Americans
  • Growth was likely prompted by terror threats and a changing political climate

The sale of guns in the United States soared to record levels in 2016, making the National Rifle Association very happy.

Seen in a tweet, the NRA brags that gun sales have hit over 27million for the previous year.

The data is taken from recently released FBI background check numbers totaling an astounding 27,583,673, which roughly equate to the number of gun sales.

 The NRA brags that gun sales have hit a record 27 million in 2016 after hitting record levels for 19 months in a row 

 The NRA brags that gun sales have hit a record 27 million in 2016 after hitting record levels for 19 months in a row 

The data is taken from recently released FBI background check numbers totaling an astounding 27,583,673, which roughly equate to the number of gun sales

The data is taken from recently released FBI background check numbers totaling an astounding 27,583,673, which roughly equate to the number of gun sales

The number is 4million more than in 2015, and nearly double the number of guns sold during president Obama's first term. Pictured are customers looking at a gun in a gun shop in November of 2016 in New Hampshire. In the store October sales were double that of 2015, with customers expressing anxiety about the upcoming election 

The number is 4million more than in 2015, and nearly double the number of guns sold during president Obama's first term. Pictured are customers looking at a gun in a gun shop in November of 2016 in New Hampshire. In the store October sales were double that of 2015, with customers expressing anxiety about the upcoming election 

Likely driven by terror threats and a changing political climate, including a potential Hillary Clinton administration, gun sales hit record levels for 19 months in a row, the Washington Examiner reported. 

The number is 4million more than in 2015, and nearly double the number of guns sold during president Obama's first term.  

Increased conceal carry licenses and gun purchases were largely driven by those seeking protection as the number of international and domestic terrorist attacks seem to grow.

Promises by Secretary Clinton to put more resources into gun control efforts if she were to become President also saw an increase in gun sales nationwide. 

Since the election of President-elect Trump, gun sales have slipped along with fears about restrictive gun registration laws and ammunition taxes, according to the Examiner. 

In fact, December 2016 saw a fall in the number of background checks compared with the previous December's. 

Increased conceal carry licenses and gun purchases were largely driven by those seeking protection as the number of international and domestic terrorist attacks seem to grow

Increased conceal carry licenses and gun purchases were largely driven by those seeking protection as the number of international and domestic terrorist attacks seem to grow

Promises by Secretary Clinton to put more resources into gun control efforts if she were to become President also saw an increase in gun sales nationwide. Pictured is Bob Berg, owner of a gun shop in Maine where there was a ballot initiative to require background checks for all gun purchases 

Promises by Secretary Clinton to put more resources into gun control efforts if she were to become President also saw an increase in gun sales nationwide. Pictured is Bob Berg, owner of a gun shop in Maine where there was a ballot initiative to require background checks for all gun purchases 

Since the election of President-elect Trump, gun sales have slipped along with fears about restrictive gun registration laws and ammunition taxes

Since the election of President-elect Trump, gun sales have slipped along with fears about restrictive gun registration laws and ammunition taxes

Driven by terror threats and a changing political climate, including a potential Hillary Clinton administration, gun sales hit record levels for 19 months in a row. Pictured is Donald Trump supporter Troy Dando who owns a gun shop in Pennsylvania, a state that historically votes for the democratic candidate but this year showed a majority voting for Trump 

Driven by terror threats and a changing political climate, including a potential Hillary Clinton administration, gun sales hit record levels for 19 months in a row. Pictured is Donald Trump supporter Troy Dando who owns a gun shop in Pennsylvania, a state that historically votes for the democratic candidate but this year showed a majority voting for Trump 

Justin Anderson, marketing director for Hyatt Gun Store of Charlotte, NC, told the Examiner that buyers are buying guns more quickly than ever and also properly trained to handle the weapons. 

He said that he thinks that the primary driver is people realizing how vulnerable they are, and said that he expects the record pace to continue. 

Anderson said that he thinks Hyatt Gun Store, which is one of the biggest gun sellers in the nation, expects to see a steady growth in 2017.