Rival Edinburgh football fans clash in a brutal street fight outside a pub after a derby match between Hibs and Hearts

  • Video appears to show a large crowd of Hibs and Hearts fans exchange blows 
  • The fight happened outside a pub in Edinburgh following Sunday's derby match
  • It seems to have been sparked when one set of supporters try to get into the International Bar but start to fight with those already inside

Football hooligans from two rival Scottish teams clashed in this dramatic footage. 

The video appears to show a large crowd of Hibs and Hearts fans exchange blows outside a pub in Edinburgh following Sunday's derby match.

It is sparked when one set of supporters try to get into the International Bar but start to fight with those already inside.

The video appears to show a large crowd of Hibs and Hearts fans exchange blows outside a pub in Edinburgh following Sunday's derby match

The video appears to show a large crowd of Hibs and Hearts fans exchange blows outside a pub in Edinburgh following Sunday's derby match

It is sparked when one set of supporters try to get into the International Bar but start to fight with those already inside

It is sparked when one set of supporters try to get into the International Bar but start to fight with those already inside

The shocking melee was filmed from a flat across the road and the video was uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday with the title: 'Hearts CSF vs Hibs Capital City Service.'

During the footage some of the men try and get inside the pub but then square up to those already inside. 

A large-scale brawl then breaks out, as fighting spills out around the pavement near the pub as men are kicked and punched in the head.

One of the men uses a chair as weapon and throws it into the bar before the large group begin to head off up a side street.

The fight appears to have ended but then one man runs out of the bar and charges at the group.  

A large-scale brawl then breaks out, as fighting spills out around the pavement near the pub as men are kicked and punched in the head

A large-scale brawl then breaks out, as fighting spills out around the pavement near the pub as men are kicked and punched in the head

An ambulance drives past, as the group begin to run off, presumably mistaking the siren for the police.

After the fighting has stopped, one disorientated man stumbles from the pub with his face covered in blood as two other pub-goers try to help him.

Another man is seen with a bloody head wound.

The clip was uploaded to YouTube and filmed on February 12, the day of the latest Hearts v Hibs derby at Tynecastle.

The game itself ended in a drab 0-0 draw and the two sides will face off in a replay at Easter Road on Wednesday next week. 

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