Trail of destruction as £200,000 Ferrari 458 Spider smashes into the front of a suburban home ‘after the throttle got stuck’

  • Vehicle left a roundabout, crossed pavement and ended up wedged in a bush
  • It knocked down two bollards and was damaged during the incident in Bath
  • The driver of the £200,000 Ferrari is said to have told witnesses that the throttle became stuck meaning he could not slow down

These shocking photographs show the trail of destruction caused when a Ferrari supercar ploughed into the front garden of a suburban house.

The Ferrari 458 Spider, worth around £200,000, left a roundabout, crossed the pavement and ended up wedged in a bush.

It knocked down two bollards and was damaged during the incident in Bath, Somerset, at 7.40am on Saturday.

The driver of the car is said to have told witnesses that the throttle became stuck meaning he could not slow down. 

The owner of the home, who asked to remain anonymous, said: 'My husband and son were awake and heard the crash.

The Ferrari 458 Spider, worth around £200,000, left a roundabout, crossed the pavement and ended up wedged in a bush

The Ferrari 458 Spider, worth around £200,000, left a roundabout, crossed the pavement and ended up wedged in a bush

The owner of the home, who asked to remain anonymous, said: 'My husband and son were awake and heard the crash 

The owner of the home, who asked to remain anonymous, said: 'My husband and son were awake and heard the crash 

It knocked down two bollards and sustained some damage in the process, in Bath, Somerset, at 7.40am on Saturday

It knocked down two bollards and sustained some damage in the process, in Bath, Somerset, at 7.40am on Saturday

'It woke me up and I ran straight down, checked the driver was OK, phoned police and made driver a cup of tea.

'The driver said the throttle stuck on and he couldn't slow down to take the roundabout.

'He lost control and went across the pavement, flattened two bollards that the council put in and went through all my recycling and rubbish - luckily not a person.'

The driver of the car is said to have told witnesses that the throttle became stuck meaning he could not slow down

The driver of the car is said to have told witnesses that the throttle became stuck meaning he could not slow down

Police attended the scene and the Ferrari 458 Spider was later recovered at around 12.30pm

Police attended the scene and the Ferrari 458 Spider was later recovered at around 12.30pm

Police attended the scene and the Ferrari 458 Spider was later recovered at around 12.30pm.

The woman added: 'It's a main walkway from Batheaston to Bathford. Even at the early time of the crash, there were joggers, people walking dogs, people walking to work.'

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