Kiwi attitudes to marijuana change: poll
Public opinion on smoking weed is turning towards decriminalisation, according to a new poll.
A Herald DigiPoll survey published on Saturday shows almost a third of those surveyed supported decriminalisation, saying they thought smoking cannabis should attract a fine but not a criminal conviction.
Twenty-five per cent went even further and said they think it should be legalised.
Among National Party supporters, 45 per cent supported decriminalisation or legalisation.
However, 53.8 per cent said they favoured keeping the status quo.
Kim Dotcom's political outfit the Internet Party earlier in June said it was looking at the possibility of decriminalising cannabis.
While the party said it is not talking about legalising the drug, its members are debating whether decriminalisation is a better option to slow down cannabis use.
However, the government says it doesn't favour the approach.
"We do not think there are any benefits for decriminalising or legalising cannabis, for medicinal purposes or otherwise, which outweigh the harm it causes to society," Justice Minister Judith Collins told Fairfax.
Greens drug and alcohol spokesman Kevin Hague said the poll reflects changing attitudes.
"And for most New Zealanders, it is evident that the current law isn't working," he said.
"It's causing harm rather than solving it."
The Herald-DigiPoll has a margin of error of 3.6 per cent and was conducted from June 6 to 15 with a sample size of 750.