ACT to free all schools from ministry

The ACT Party wants to give state schools the option of becoming partnership schools.

Partnership schools, also known as charter schools, are free to employ who they want and pay them what they want.

ACT made the establishment of partnership schools a condition of its confidence and supply agreement with the National-led government, and it now wants to extend the policy.

Leader Jamie Whyte unveiled the party's education policy in a speech on Saturday, saying all school boards should be able to opt out of control by the Ministry of Education and be bulk funded according to the number of students they attract.

"This policy entails no additional government spending," he said.

Five partnership schools were opened this year and another five are expected to open in 2015.

"These few schools come under constant attack for being additional to the current stock of state schools and therefore reducing the funds available to them.

"The answer is to give all state schools the option of becoming partnership schools," he said.

The policy will give teachers freedom to adapt their methods to their students and schools the freedom to innovate.

"And no school board that doesn't want these freedoms would be forced to have them. School boards that wish to stay under Ministry of Education direction could choose to do so," he said.

ACT also wants to slash the number of bureaucrats working at the Ministry of Education, which the party says has swollen to 2700. The money saved will be given to schools.

"And we want to increase the subsidy for independent schools," he said.

The party will publish its full education policy document on Friday.

New Zealand has a general election on September 20.