Equality can end family violence: Shorten

Domestic violence is a gender issue that won't go away until women are treated equally, says Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

"Seventy-two women this year have died at the hands of someone who once said they loved them," Mr Shorten said in Adelaide on Saturday.

"This is Australia's shame. It is Australia's shame."

Mr Shorten outlined several policies a Labor government would consider to curb family violence, including workplace leave for victims.

"Because when it happens, you need a little bit of breathing space to make sure you're safe," he said.

The Labor leader said measures that should be considered include forcing perpetrators of violence to leave home rather than their victims, greater funding for women's refuges and reversing cuts to community legal services.

But Mr Shorten said a long-term solution needed to recognise domestic violence as a gender issue.

"The police cannot arrest their way out of this problem," he said.

"We've got to recognise that until women are treated equally in society - in all forms - then we send messages to future generations of Australians that gender inequality is acceptable.

"And we all need to work on that: Liberal, Labor, business, the media - everyone."