Over 50 apply to be new race commissioner
More than 50 people have applied for a senior public service role at the Australian Human Rights Commission that some conservative politicians and pundits want scrapped.
The position of race discrimination commissioner is up for grabs as Tim Soutphommasane's five-year tenure draws to a close.
A research brief written by Liberal-aligned think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, which was circulated to federal members of parliament, has called for the high-paid job to be axed.
The IPA argues the role serves no real function and promotes division.
However, Attorney-General Christian Porter has rejected calls to scrap the role, with his department combing through 53 applications for the job.
Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in the first week of June, a Senate estimates hearing has been told.
Mr Porter will then weigh up the candidates and canvass the replacement with his cabinet colleagues.
"The government, I expect, will announce the replacement well in time for the conclusion of the current race discrimination commissioner's term," Attorney-General's Department secretary Chris Moraitis said on Thursday.
Dr Soutphommasane's term will end on August 19.
The commissioner, who earns about $340,000 per year, was a vocal advocate in opposing changes to the Racial Discrimination Act put forward by the Turnbull government last year.