I hope to die soon so I can join my father, Grenfell victim´s son tells inquiry

Tears fell on the third day of Grenfell Tower inquiry as a son told the room he wanted to die so he could join his elderly father in heaven.

Hamid Ali Jafari, whose father Ali Yawar Jafari, 82, was killed in the June 14 blaze, said he prayed every day that he would die so he could see his father again.

He said his “hero” father had a special connection with his young son, and that sometimes he felt his father’s soul was present in the child when he held him.

Speaking quietly, the distress plain, he said: “I have never dreamed or thought of going to heaven but now I fight every day, every second, because I want to join my dad.

“And I pray every day – and even I request my friends to pray for me – that I die soon to meet my father.”

Ali Yawar Jafari died in the Grenfell Tower fire (Metropolitan Police/PA)

Ali Yawar Jafari died in the Grenfell Tower fire (Metropolitan Police/PA)

Mr Jafari was pulled from Grenfell Tower by firefighters after losing contact with his family but was pronounced dead at the scene due to inhalation of fire fumes.

The grandfather was described as a kind man and husband who loved animals and travelling.

His son said in a video tribute: “I think the happiest moment he had was when my son was born, because he was attached to him a lot.

“Both of them were connected to each other so sometimes when I see my son I feel like my dad’s soul came in my son.”

Tributes were also heard for three other new victims at the Millennium Gloucester hotel in South Kensington on Wednesday.

Zainab Deen, 32, and her two-year-old son Jeremiah, were found at each other’s side on the 14th floor.

Zainab Deen and her son were among the victims (Metropolitan Police/PA)

Zainab Deen and her son were among the victims (Metropolitan Police/PA)

In a statement read by Michael Mansfield QC, their family said they could not find a reason “why such a handsome and cheerful boy was taken from us at the age of two”.

They said: “Throughout your short time here on Earth you were so connected with your mother that even death cannot separate you both.”

Anthony Disson, known as Tony, was also remembered.

In a video, his children Harry, Alfie and Charlie said he was a proud father who loved encouraging their passion for boxing.

The 65-year-old doted on his grandchildren, including a baby girl who was named after him.

Anthony Disson was a proud father, his children said (Metropolitan Police/PA)

Anthony Disson was a proud father, his children said (Metropolitan Police/PA)

Son Alfie said in a video recorded message: “If he was here now he’d be over the moon at what we called her.”

It follows turbulent scenes on Tuesday, when footage of the tower engulfed in flames was broadcast as part of a commemoration without anyone being warned beforehand.

Bernard Richmond QC apologised for the mistake, which led to people fleeing the room in tears and a woman collapsing.

On Wednesday morning, sheets of paper were placed on seats warning attendees when there may be “particularly upsetting” content.

Several further commemorations will include footage of the tower on fire and of its interior after the blaze.