Western Christianity (Q842798)
Christianity originating from the tradition of the Western Roman Empire, with its capital in Rome. consists of the Latin Church of the Catholic Church and its derivatives
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | Western Christianity |
Christianity originating from the tradition of the Western Roman Empire, with its capital in Rome. consists of the Latin Church of the Catholic Church and its derivatives |
Wikipedia(52 entries)
- arwiki مسيحية غربية
- arzwiki مسيحيه غربيه
- azwiki Qərb xristianlığı
- bewiki Заходняе хрысціянства
- bgwiki Западнохристиянски църкви
- bnwiki পশ্চিমা খ্রিস্টধর্ম
- cawiki Cristianisme occidental
- cswiki Západní křesťanství
- dawiki Vestkirken
- dewiki Westliches Christentum
- elwiki Δυτικός Χριστιανισμός
- enwiki Western Christianity
- eowiki Okcidenta Kristanismo
- eswiki Cristiandad occidental
- fawiki مسیحیت غربی
- fiwiki Läntinen kristikunta
- frwiki Occident chrétien
- fywiki Westersk kristendom
- huwiki Nyugati kereszténység
- iawiki Brancas occidental del Christianitate
- idwiki Kekristenan Barat
- iswiki Vesturkirkjan
- itwiki Cristianesimo occidentale
- jawiki 西方教会
- kowiki 서방 기독교
- lawiki Christianitas Occidentalis
- lfnwiki Cristianisme ueste
- lvwiki Rietumu kristietība
- mgwiki Kristianisma Tandrefana
- mlwiki പാശ്ചാത്യ ക്രിസ്തുമതം
- mswiki Kristian Barat
- nlwiki Westers christendom
- pnbwiki مغربی مسیحیت
- ptwiki Cristianismo ocidental
- rowiki Creștinism occidental
- ruwiki Западное христианство
- shwiki Zapadno kršćanstvo
- simplewiki Western Christianity
- siwiki බටහිර ක්රිස්තියානි ආගම
- slwiki Zahodno krščanstvo
- srwiki Западно хришћанство
- svwiki Västlig kristendom
- swwiki Kanisa la Magharibi
- tawiki மேற்கத்திய கிறித்தவம்
- thwiki ศาสนาคริสต์ตะวันตก
- tlwiki Kristiyanismong Kanluranin
- trwiki Batı Hristiyanlığı
- ukwiki Західне християнство
- urwiki مغربی مسیحیت
- viwiki Kitô giáo Tây phương
- wuuwiki 西方基督教
- zhwiki 西方基督教