Wikidata:CopyClear/BeeldbankWO2/instelling/Nationaal Archief

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Nationaal Archief
national archives
Inception1802, 1972, 1979, 2008, 2016 Edit
Official nameNationaal Archief Edit
Native labelNationaal Archief Edit
CountryNetherlands Edit
Located in the administrative territorial entityThe Hague Edit
Located on streetPrins Willem-Alexanderhof Edit
Coordinate location52°4′52″N 4°19′35″E Edit
Member ofOpen Preservation Foundation, Geheugen van Nederland, DLM Forum Edit
Owned byNetherlands Edit
Partnership withNIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Migranten Edit
Headquarters locationThe Hague, The Hague Edit
ReplacesRijksarchiefdienst Edit
ArchitectSjoerd Schamhart Edit
Payment types acceptedMuseumkaart Edit
Street addressPrins Willem Alexanderhof 20, 2595 BE Den Haag, Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 Edit
Postal code2595BE Edit
Phone number+31-70-331-5400 Edit
Email Edit
Official website Edit
Described at URL, Edit
Terms of service URL Edit
Item operatedActorenregister Edit
UsesMAIS-Flexis Edit
Has works in the collectionElisabeth Orphanage Museum, Het Scheepvaartmuseum Edit
API endpoint URL Edit
Content partnership categoryCategory:Images from Nationaal Archief Edit
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