Wikidata:CopyClear/CollectieGelderland/instelling/Stadskasteel Zaltbommel

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City Castle Zaltbommel
Inception28 June 1979 Edit
CountryNetherlands Edit
Located in the administrative territorial entityZaltbommel Edit
Located on streetNonnenstraat Edit
LocationMaarten van Rossum house, Zaltbommel Edit
Coordinate location51°48′40″N 5°14′56″E Edit
Member ofGelderland heritage Edit
Location of formationZaltbommel Edit
Partnership withGelderland heritage, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Edit
Headquarters locationZaltbommel Edit
Award receivedregistered museum Edit
Payment types acceptedMuseumkaart Edit
Street addressNonnenstraat 5 Edit
Postal code5301 BE Edit
Phone number+31-418-512-617 Edit
Official website Edit
Described at URL Edit
UsesMaarten van Rossum house, Zaltbommel Edit
Has works in the collectionCity Castle Zaltbommel Edit
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