09 Decembe r 20 I I
OFFICE ORDER No.2 0 8 Ser ies of2011
SUBJ ECT: Restructuring the Arbitration and Mediation Services of the IPOPHIL
To further achieve efficiency in the administration of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms under the auspices of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHIL), the Arbitration and Mediation Center is hereby restructu red, and henceforth to be known as the IPOPHIL ADR Services.
The ADRS shall be an adjunct unit of the Bureau of Legal Affa irs, under the direct management/supervision of the Director of the BLA. The scope of its functions shall include the following:
I. Adm inistration of the ADR services of the IPOPHIL in accordance with the policies, rules and regulations promulgated by the IPOPHL;
2. Crafti ng of pertinent policies, rules and regulations; and 3. Capaci ty/capability, cooperation, partnership, and similar activities or functions on and
related to the operations and development of ADR in IP cases.
The operations and administrative staff of the ADRS shall be composed of one ( I) Operations Management Office r, two (2) Technical Support Staff, and three (3) Clerical Support Staff.
This Office Order repeals Office Order No. 85, s. 20 I I, and takes effect immediately until revoked, amended , or modified.
Atty. RI~R.-::NCAFLOR Director General
Republic of the Philippines INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE
Intellectual Property Cente r # 28 Upper Mck inley Road . Mc kinley HillTown Center.Fort Bonifaci o, Tagu ig City 1634 Philippines . www.ipophil.gov.ph
T: +632-2386300 • F: +632-5539480 • [email protected]