Passion of Christ

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<nowiki>Pasión de Cristo; Passio Christi; Pasyon ni Hesus; Passion; Страстите Христови; Passion Jésus; Çile; Fijalian' i Jesoa; Pašie; страсті Христові; 수난; Пассионарлық; Pasiono; Pašije; Mãka Pańskô; passion du Christ; Isusov križni put; Thương khó; پاسسىيونارلىق; Passïonarlıq; Paixão de Cristo; Пассионарлық; Lidingssoga; Pasjon; Passion; آلام المسيح; Pasion Jezuz; 耶穌受難; passió; Nekaldia; Страсти Христовы; Passion; Мукі Хрыстовы; مصائب عیسی; 耶穌受難; 受難; Passion de Christo; الام المسيح; הפסיון של ישו; Passio Christi; यीशु का दुःखभोग; Kristuksen kärsimyskertomus; Passiemuziek; இயேசுவின் பாடுகள்; Passione di Gesù; Passioon; Paixão de Cristo; Stradanje Isusa; пакуты Хрыстовыя; Kisah Sengsara; passió de Jesús; Jezusovo trpljenje; Pasyon; Христос чун хавалĕсем; Patimile; พระทรมานของพระเยซู; Pasja; An Pháis; passie; y Dioddefaint; Страсти Христови; Arma Christi; যীশুর দুঃখভোগ; Paixón de Cristo; Jēzus ciešanas; Άγια Πάθη; Passioun; período final de la vida de Jesús antes de su crucifixión; bibliai epizód; període final de la vida de Jesús de Natzaret, abans de la crucifixió i la mort; neutestamentarisches Theologem vom Leidensweg Jesu Christi; período final da vida de Jesus Cristo; final period in the life of Jesus; İsa'nın tutuklandığı 13/14 Nisan Perşembe gününden öldüğü 14/15 Nisan Cuma gününe kadar başından geçenler; Huling yugto ng buhay ni Hesus bago siya ipako; eventos e os sofrimentos de Jesus nas horas que antecederam seu julgamento e sua execução; y cyfnod ar ddiwedd bywyd yr Iesu; lescht Period vum Liewen vu Jesus Christus; ostatnie godziny życia Jezusa Chrystusa; סוף חייו של ישו; de laatste dagen van het leven van Jezus; مجموعة الأحداث التي حصلت في حياة يسوع المسيح منذ إلقاء القبض عليه على جبل الزيتون حتى صلبه.; periodo finale della vita terrena di Gesù; final period in the life of Jesus, before his crucifixion; dernière période de la vie de Jésus Christ; últimos momentos da vida de Xesús, entre a Última Cea e a Crucifixión e morte.; la parto de la vivo de Jesuo, dum kiu (laŭ la Evangelioj) li torturiĝis, krucumiĝis, kaj ekrevivis; череда событий, принёсших Иисусу Христу страдания в последние дни его земной жизни; perioada finală din viața lui Iisus din Nazaret; Suplicio de Cristo; Pasión de Jesús; Pasion de Cristo; Pasion de Jesus; Amour crucifié; Passion de Jésus; Passion de Jésus-Christ; La Passion; Jésus sur la Croix; Sacrifice sur la croix; Christ en croix; Marques de la passion; Mort de Jésus-Christ; Isusove muke; Pasija; Passió de Jesucrist; Passió de Crist; Passio Domini; Leidensgeschichte; Leidensweg; Passionsgeschichte; Passion Jesu; Passion Christi; Morte de Cristo; Martírio de Jesus; Martírio de Jesus Cristo; Paixão de Jesus Cristo; Morte de Jesus; Paixão; Utrpení Kristovo; Jēzus Kristus ciešanas; Jēzus Kristus ciešanu laiks; Kristus ciešanas; Страсти Христови; Страсти Господни; Страсти Христа; Крестные страдания; İsa'nın çilesi; İsa'nın Çilesi; Ang Pasyon ni Hesus; The Passion of Christ; The Passion; Pasyon ni Kristo; Ang Pasyon ni Hesukristo; Ang Pasyon ni Kristong Hesus; The Passion of the Christ; Pasyon ni Hesukristo; Pasyon ni Kristong Hesus; Ang Pasyon ni Kristo Hesus; Pasión; Pasyon ni Hesus; Pasyon ni Kristo Hesus; Pasyon de Nuestro Jesucristo; Pasyon ng Kristo; Ang Pasyon ni Kristo; Passion; ทุกรกิริยาของพระเยซู; ทุกขกิริยาของพระเยซู; พระมหาทรมานของพระเยซู; Passion of Christ; הפסיון; Passioun Jesu; Męka Pańska; Страсті Господні; Страждання Ісуса Христа; Stradanje Hristovo; Isusova muka; Pasija; Hristova muka; Hristove muke; Stradanje Isusovo; Hristovo stradanje; Stradanje Hrista; Passione del Cristo; Passione del Signore; Passione di Gesù Cristo; Passione di Cristo; y Pasiwn; Patimile și răstignirea; Patimile si rastignirea; Patimile şi răstignirea; Passie (Jezus Christus); Lijdensweg; Passion of Christ; Passion of Jesus; 殉道記; страданијата на Исус; Jezusov pasijon</nowiki>
final period in the life of Jesus, before his crucifixion
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Wikidata Q623306
GND ID: 4134467-4
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85070073
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 119503221
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 31893
NL CR AUT ID: ph138457
BabelNet ID: 00060910n
J9U ID: 987007293559205171
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Entry into Jerusalem


The Anointing in Bethany / Feast in the house of Simon


Pact of Judas

Main gallery: Category:Pact of Judas.

Last Supper

Preparing the Supper

Passover preparation / Instructions for Passover

Jesus Christ washing the feet of the apostles (Lavatorio)

Last Supper

Main gallery: Last Supper.
Communion of the Apostles

Judas Retires

Saying Farewell

  • The Concluding Speech
  • A New Commandment
  • The Way to the Father
  • The Promise of the Holy Spirit
  • The Vine and the Branches
  • The Hate of the World
  • Grief That Will Turn to Joy

The High Priestly Prayer

Singing the Hymn


Road to the Gethsemane and Prediction of the Disciples' Flight

Agony in the Garden

Kiss of Judas (before arrest)

Kiss of Judas with arrest of Christ

With soldiers

The Ear of Malchus

Main gallery: Category:Malchus.

The Young Man

Jesus taken to the High Priest

Arrest after the kiss, without Judas

Following from Behind


Jesus in prison

Jesus before Jews

Jesus before Annas

Main gallery: category:Annas.

Jesus before Caiaphas / the Sanhedrin

Mocked by Jews

1st mocking (without crown of thorns and flagellation). According to the accounts of the evangelists, the first scene (before the Sanhedrin) includes spitting, beating, covering of the face, and mockery

Peter's Denial

Main gallery: Peter's denial.

1st Denial (Peter and maid)

At Caiaphas

2n Denial (Peter at the fire)

3rd Denial (Peter's cock)

Peter at sorrow

1st Pilate's Judgement

Jesus led from Caiaphas to Pilate

Trial before Pilate

Jesus Before Pilate - 1st Interview


Jesus led from Pilate to Herod

Jesus before Herod


Jesus receiving new clothing from Herod

Jesus led from Herod to Pilate

Final Trial before Pilate

Jesus Before Pilate - 2nd Interview. Herod give him bright clothes

Jesus shown to the crowd 1st time

Mocked by soldiers

2nd mocking. The scene at Pilate's also contains the elements of the robe, the crown of thorns, and the staff. The mockery by Pilate's soldiers is not mentioned by Luke, but he connects a similar scene, including the element of the robe, to the Herod questioning.


The Scourging

Christ at the Column
Flagellation of Jesus Christ
Christ after the Flagellation
Crowned with thorns
After coronation

Ecce homo

Jesus shown to the crowd 2nd time

Main gallery: category:Ecce homo.

Letter from Pilate's wife

Jesus or Barabbas?

Main gallery: Barabbas.

Washing hands

Jesus is condemned to death

Judas' end

Remorseful Judas

Judas returns the money

The Death of Judas

Main gallery: Judas hangs himself.

Stations of the Cross / The Road to Golgotha / Way to Calvary

Jesus is given his cross

Jesus Christ bearing the Cross

Procession to Calvary

Jesus falls the first time

Jesus meets His Mother

Simon of Cyrene carries the cross

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Jesus falls the second time

Jesus meets the daughters of Jerusalem

Jesus falls the third time

Jesus Taken from the Cistern


The Vase of Myrrh and Gall

The Crucifixion

Main gallery: Crucifixion of Christ.

Pensive Christ

Mostly allegorical.

Nailed to the cross

Raising of the Cross

Jesus Derided on the Cross

Adding the INRI title

The Two Thieves

The Pardon of the Good Thief

Dice for Christ's robe

Witnesses of the Crucifixion

The Disciples Having Left Their Hiding Place Watch from Afar in Agony

Seven words on the cross

  1. Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.
  2. Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.
  3. Woman, behold your son. Behold your mother.
  4. My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
  5. I thirst.
  6. It is finished.
  7. Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.

Stabat mater

Main gallery: category:Stabat mater.

The Death of Jesus

Wine Vinegar on a Stick

"I Thirst" The Vinegar Given to Jesus

It Is Finished (Consummatum Est)
Curtain, Earthquake, Raising of Dead

The Centurion

Confession of Saint Longinus

They Beat Their Breasts

Breaking the legs (Crurifragium)

The Thieves Legs Are Broken

Jesus' Side Pierced (Holy Lance)

Mater Dolorosa

Burial of Christ

Joseph of Arimathaea receives the permission to remove the body

Felons removed

Jesus Alone on the Cross

Descent from the Cross / Deposition

Fainting Virgin Mary

In scenes of simply Crucifixion, Depositon and some other

Lamentation of Christ


Main gallery: category:Pietà.
Engelpieta with Man of Sorrow
Pieta with Arma Christi

Man of sorrows

Carrying the body

Preparation for Entombment of Christ (Anointing Stone)

Entombment of Christ

Guardians of Jesus' tomb

Harrowing of Hell (Descent of Christ to Limbo)

See also


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