Wp/mus/Main Page
Mvskoke Empunvkvn kerrvkes ce!
Wikipedia Mvskoke
Wikipedia Mvskoke
Heyv Wikipedia nanvk'oset 22 os.
Welcome to the Mvskoke Test Wikipedia. This is a test wiki for a potential Wikipedia in the Muscogee (Creek) language. To create a new page, insert the title after "Wp/mus/" in the box below. Make sure the page doesn't exist already before creating a new one. If you have any questions or remarks, don't hesitate to ask on the Talk page.
Hensci! Yv ometv Mvskoke Test Wikipedia. Nomat yē o'cetv svnvc'omv tem-pohetv, o'mētv toko vkerricetv vpohetv heyv. Hayetv eswv'kē heyv ↓ Pumpunvkv Vcayecvkes
Nacokv hoporenē pucasē-sēkot estimvton eticetv tayes.