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Breakfast briefing: Sims 3 leaks while Napster rises again

This article is more than 15 years old

It's still weeks until the game officially hits the shelves - but Sims 3 has already started appearing on torrent sites, reports Ars Technica. It's one of the biggest pre-release leaks ever - and reminiscent of the recent episode with blockbuster movie Wolverine.

Remember Napster? No, not the original filesharing site, but its later reincarnation as a subscription music service. That proved so popular that the struggling company sold itself to US retailer Best Buy... which has decided to relaunch it as a music subscription site. Don't worry! As Engadget reports, it's a streaming music subscription site, ala Spotify. Problem solved, then.

New Scientist has a challenge for everyone trying to explore the limits of the newly-launched Wolfram Alpha: attempting to perform a "Wolfram whack" - a "clear, unambiguous questions to which there's a simple numerical answer that eludes Wolfram Alpha". Got one? Then they want to hear from you.

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