Pregnant teenager was beaten in the street by drunken stranger who told her 'I'm going to make sure you lose your baby'

  • Leah Caswell was 19 weeks pregnant when hit by Ann Marie Prenelle
  • She had been sat on bench in city with her boyfriend and their dog
  • 19-year-old victim went to hospital in Sunderland fearing miscarriage  
  • Baby survived and is due to be born soon, while Prenelle avoided jail

Attack victim: Mother-to-be Leah Caswell, 19, from Sunderland, pictured with her boyfriend Carl Lawton

Attack victim: Mother-to-be Leah Caswell, 19, from Sunderland, pictured with her boyfriend Carl Lawton

A pregnant teenager was beaten up in the street by a drunken stranger who told her: ‘I’m going to make sure you lose your baby’.

Leah Caswell was 19 weeks pregnant when Ann Marie Prenelle, 33, punched her in the stomach in Sunderland - and went to hospital fearing she could miscarry.

The 19-year-old victim had been sat on a bench in the city centre in June with her boyfriend Carl Lawton and their dog when Prenelle started shouting abuse, before launching the attack.

Prenelle avoided jail after pleading guilty to the assault, which Miss Caswell’s baby survived - and the mother-to-be is due to give birth soon.

Sunderland Magistrates’ Court heard Miss Caswell had been sat with 24-year-old Mr Lawton when she heard a loud female voice.

A witness said: ‘The defendant was aggressive, shouting "I’m going to make sure you lose your baby". The aggressive female approached the young female who said “Get off me, my baby”. 

'She grabbed hold of her hair and kept punching her. The male tried to drag her off. At no point did he attack the aggressive female. 

'Everybody in the street was shouting “stop it, leave her alone”. Members of the public pushed the female away.’

Miss Caswell was taken to Sunderland Royal Hospital and was told the baby was unhurt. Speaking after the case, she said: ‘I could have lost my baby. At the time I was 19 weeks pregnant.

Miss Caswell
Ann Marie Prenelle

Beaten: Miss Caswell (left) was 19 weeks pregnant when Ann Marie Prenelle (right), 33, punched her in the stomach. Prenelle avoided jail at Sunderland Magistrates’ Court after pleading guilty to the assault

‘I heard her voice before I saw her. She was drunk. We stood up and my partner picked the dog up and we started to walk away further down the street. I heard lots of shouting behind us. 

'She was shouting lots of abuse. My partner told her leave because I was 19 weeks pregnant and she said ‘wait until you’re not pregnant’. Then she hit me. Now I think back it’s a bit of a blur. 

'All I could think of was to stop her hitting me in the belly. She was trying... but she was drunk and kept missing. Everyone in the street was trying to pull her off me. I was so scared for my baby.’

She added: ‘Part of my hair is missing and I have marks to both my eyes and a lump on the side of my head. I can’t understand why this has happened.'

Location: The attack happened on this pedestrianised street in Sunderland city centre in June (file picture)

Location: The attack happened on this pedestrianised street in Sunderland city centre in June (file picture)

Paul McAlindon, defending, said that Prenelle had been drinking eight litres of cider and wine a day at the time, and could not remember much of the incident.

I was so scared for my baby
Leah Caswell, attack victim

Sentencing her to eight weeks' jail, suspended for a year, bench chairman Roseanne Forster said: ‘This was a pregnant, and therefore vulnerable, victim, and we feel that the offence of common assault is so serious that only a custodial sentence is suitable.’

Prenelle was also told to complete nine months of alcohol treatment, and pay £100 in compensation to Miss Caswell as well as £200 court costs.

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