She's had a gastric band fitted but Vanessa's still throwing her weight around

Vanessa Feltz has always been a larger-than-life character. Mind you, there’s a lot less of her these days — 4st less since she had a gastric band fitted. 

Today, she’s wearing a body-hugging black dress and looks fantastic. I cause a ruction early on by suggesting she will have to tone down her strident nature when she starts her new early morning Radio 2 show this month, taking over Sarah Kennedy’s old slot. 

Vanessa’s ­horrified anyone would think she was likely to raise her voice above a murmur at that sensitive time in the morning. 

Vanessa Feltz after losing four stone from having a gastric band fitted
Vanessa Feltz arrives for the UK gala premiere of Jez Butterworth's 'Birthday Girl' in 2002

Larger than life: With the help of a gastric band Vanessa has slimmed down from her heavier weight in 2002, seen right, but she still has a huge personality

So what will it be like for three million listeners to wake up with Vanessa? ‘I’m sexually irresistible, of course,’ she says. ‘Witty, fragrant and radiant. I won’t be imposing some tirade on people who are just emerging from sleep. The plan is to entreat the listener gently into the day.’

Vanessa Feltz was once a 16st ­housewife who seemed to have it all; surgeon ­husband, two daughters, plush house in London and big-money talk shows. Then, in 1999, her husband Michael Kurer declared he was leaving but said he would reconsider if she got herself back into shape. She went on a drastic diet, but he still left and she later found out he had been having an affair.  

‘It was acute grief,’ she says. ‘I didn’t expect it at all. I thought we were very happily  married.’

She also lost her BBC1 chat-show job due to programme staff, without her knowledge, hiring actors to play warring audience members. She says she couldn’t breathe or eat and was permanently tearful. 

In 2001, a year after her divorce, she appeared on Celebrity Big Brother and seemed to be at breaking point, dementedly scrawling garbled ­messages on a blackboard.  

In love again: Vanessa Feltz and partner Ben Ofoedu
Vanessa Feltz at home after the split with her husband

New lease of life: Vanessa has cast off her frumpy image after divorcing her first husband and is now blissfully in love with partner Ben Ofoedu, pictured left

But she held her career together. Last summer, she felt confident enough to return to Big Brother. ‘I hope everyone could see I was better. The bad times have been ­consigned to the bin of history.’ 

In with the new: Vanessa will take over  from soothing Sarah Kennedy, picture

In with the new: Vanessa will take over from soothing Sarah Kennedy, pictured

So why did she — a woman with a first in English from Trinity ­College, Cambridge and a self-professed feminist — make herself so subservient to her husband? 

‘I came back home to be the daughter that my parents wanted me to be. I wanted to get married, live round the corner from them and make chicken soup. Now, I don’t want the behaviour of one individual to taint everything I believe in. I want to ­continue to believe in love and happiness. I wasn’t unfaithful to him, though I wasn’t short of opportunities. I was known as a sexy girl. They called me Vanessa the Undresser at school. I am the sort of woman ­susceptible to that type of thing.’

Vanessa was brought up in Totteridge, North London, and went to private school. But she denies her background was privileged. Despite their material comfort, her lingerie manufacturer father’s ­attitude to money left her feeling deprived. ‘All my holidays were spent packing knickers.’

As she approaches her 49th birthday next month, she is thrilled to still be in demand for work. 

‘I’m at the age where lots of women say nobody wants to employ them, no one wants to look at them. It’s as if they have become invisible. Yet that hasn’t happened to me. I’m really bowled over by it.’

She had the gastric band fitted last June — and insists it was for health reasons. ‘My partner Ben Ofoedu (a music producer) was adamant he didn’t want me to lose an ounce. And so I have this fiancé ten years younger than me insistent that I shouldn’t lose weight. But what consolidated my thoughts was that my mother died at 57.’

It was an encounter with a male friend who had lost so much weight he was almost unrecognisable that made her decide. 

‘He recommended his surgeon. When I went to see him, one of the reasons I agreed to have it done was he didn’t mention appearance. He just gave a list of the health implications of being overweight.’

Now, Vanessa exercises twice a week. ‘It’s not that I don’t want food. But I just can’t physically eat it.’ 

When she was married, one of her pleasures was to lie on the sofa and scoff chocolate.

She’s moved on since then. ‘I do like to stretch out on the sofa — although now I’m likely to be sucking a single wretched grape.’ 

Vanessa Feltz presents the Radio 2 Early Morning Breakfast Show from January 17. The Vanessa Show on Channel 5 starts January 10.

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