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Smart traffic lights that tell motorists how fast to drive so they arrive at the next light just as it turns green are set to be trialled in...
Designed by Los Angeles-based engineering firm AECOM, the concept will be tested using a simulation model of the A59 in York.
Ride-hailing companies really ARE making traffic worse, study confirms: Congestion during peak hours spiked by over 60% with rise in...
Researchers looked at millions of rides in San Francisco that took place between 2010 and 2016 -- pre and post Uber and Lyft -- looking at...
Almost 70 per cent of drivers say smart motorways are dangerous, new survey finds
Road chiefs have claimed that the revamped routes across the UK are safe but motoring organisations and MPs have raised concerns.
Broken-down Volvo is crushed when lorry ploughs into it on so-called 'smart motorway' as drivers slam 'death trap' highways with no hard...
A Volvo was crushed by a lorry after it broke down on the hard shoulder of the M1 in Derbyshire which was being used as a slow lane in the...