We love financial plumbing, debt crises, balance sheets, margin calls, economic puns and snark.
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The Mar-a-Lago Accords as proposed would be a “classic cram-down”, says TS Lombard
Guidance is for now, not forever
It all keeps adding up / We think we’re cracking up
Jefferies Financial, welcome to the resistance
Reverse clickbait
The history of global trade challenges Ricardo’s enduring economic theory
Year-ahead outlooks revisited; scam callers; vapes; Doge; LLMs; fact-checking; memes; and divorce
Behold, the messy sausage-making of US budgets
Stifling dissent by dominating the room isn't just Oval Office politics
‘Blueberries for Sal’? More like ‘no berries on sale’
Alphaville readers have not yet achieved Nirvana
We love big bond trades and we cannot lie
Tariffs; solar power; neo-liberalism: military spending; AI: electric cars; boiler rooms; and the temperature on Reddit
Postgrowth; Britain; stablecoin wars; R-star; charity; Romanticism; and kitchens in sci-fi
It’s 9pm — do you know where your data is? *
Brexit and chips; Tyler Cowen; Nicholas Maounis; Nathan Tankus; vibes; RELX; jet engines; and chickens
Charts + church + charity
I’m so happy ‘cause today I found my charts / they’re in my heart
They advertise mobile games on mobile gaming apps, simple as
Planets; good hands; DOGE; Instagram; etc
A modest proposal
Elites; kids; eggs; emails; measles; corsets; etc
But will this dog bark?
The lawlessness of big numbers
Vegan murder cult; congestion pricing; microplastics debunking; waiting for Luigi; drunk rats
Stablecoin nationalism meets attention-economy fatigue
Taking another look at the mooted Mar-a-Lago Accord
The best defence is a good offence
Prop trading; debanking; Oracle’s agricultural challenges; chemtrails; Applebee’s; etc
Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Delaware any more
They’re even (cautiously) shorting again 😱
Tee to a you
This is nuts. When’s the crash?
Planetary stakeholder alignment
The iPhone; ‘big balls’; Murdochs; post-neoliberal agenda; Palantir; status chalk; etc
Nice global financial system you got there, be a shame if something happened to it
Charticulate Silences, Pt. 2