Our ‘Round on the Links’ quiz tests your ability to draw connections. Thinking caps on!
A writer sets out to uncover if true randomness exists in the universe
And what I learnt from my great-uncle Leo’s attempt to answer
Nothing sets teeth on edge like the sound of a knife on artisanal tableware
Ida’s ragù Genovese is a lesson in kitchen alchemy
A man with an obscure claim to a royal fortune made a deal to help regain his crown. It cost him more than he could imagine
In lace country, around Nottingham, there are only a handful of people left who know how to operate machines that have run since the 1800s. Soon there will be none
Portuguese whites, Greek reds, Chinese pet nats and many more wines to watch
A Californian baker quickly realises that the UK offers a lot more than spotted dick
‘Captivating and magical’, Velázquez’s greatest painting remains an unsolved puzzle
Some non-committal and unfalsifiable predictions for the year ahead
Europeans have come and gone from China’s most populous city, but their food has gone local
Fast food is tending gently towards the miserable
How an eminent scientist’s career coincided with a remarkable transformation
Master Wei’s cult recipe is the perfect January cooking project
Hounded by the Nazis, the great philosopher took his life in 1940, leaving several mysteries unanswered
Smartphone photographs capture life as a soldier and the loneliness of night shifts
For some climate scientists, global warming threatens Britain with a more unexpected scenario
The anglophile American film director discusses his ultra-gothic, jumpscare-filled reworking of the ultimate vampire movie
The 2023 Burgundy crop was enormous. But you wouldn’t think it from the prices