Buyer of ExxonMobil’s assets in the west African country wants to double production within six months
Nigerian oil group said £382m combination will increase scale in production and reserves
Prime minister steps up British security effort in west Africa
Move comes hours ahead of deadline for Nigerian oil operator to make formal offer
Nigeria-focused oil group given two more weeks to bid for rival
Removing the compulsion for so many IMSs will ensure a much clearer picture
Oil group admits overstating potential of Iraq field
Wider London market breaks three-day losing streak
The US snub shows dangers of a petro-economy
A deal would create a £1.8bn Nigeria-focused energy group
Bourse working to attract blue-chips to list in UK
Local companies buy up onshore fields as majors move operations offshore to avoid sabotage
Deals such as the Nigerian oil group’s float should be applauded
As foreign majors leave onshore fields, home companies are stepping in
Blackouts could end if companies invest promised billions
Do-it-yourself approach is evidence of sector’s profitability, writes Ajay Makan
Xan Rice reports that new legislation is expected to ‘reactivate industry’