Labour announces immigration policy

Labour says immigrant workers should be paid at least the living wage of $18.80 an hour so migrants don't drive New Zealand wages down.

The party is concerned many workers are coming into New Zealand for relatively low-skilled jobs on low rates of pay, immigration spokesperson Trevor Mallard says with the release of party's immigration policy on Saturday.

"This not only leads to exploitation of these workers but undercuts the local labour market, pushing wages down for Kiwis.

"To address that Labour will require employers bringing in overseas workers to pay a living wage."

This would not apply for Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) or Pacific quota migrants.

"We will also ensure RSE workers are paid at the rate of at least the minimum wage plus $1.25 an hour, with accommodation provided in addition to wages."

Employers in industries with skills shortages and low pay would be required to implement training plans before they can bring in overseas workers.

The party says about half of migrants move to Auckland and it will encourage people to accept jobs or establish businesses in the regions.

Net migration into New Zealand has varied from negative 2000 to a net gain of 40,000 people each year.

"Because Labour believes immigration flows should not fluctuate wildly and where possible should be counter cyclical we will smooth out peaks and troughs through mechanisms such as the points system," Mr Mallard said.

Labour would also increase the refugee quota from 750 to 1000 once current migration pressures eased, he said.

"Labour is committed to immigration that not only meets economic priorities but which contributes to social objectives and to New Zealand's vibrant multicultural society."