Events Overview

STScI hosts colloquia, conferences, lectures, meetings, symposia, and workshops that cover a broad array of topics of interest to the astronomical community as well as the general public. From this page, you can find current, upcoming, and past events of interest.

Use the filter bar below to search by specific event criteria including Type, Mission, Keyword, and/or Date. Click the Submit button to generate the query. Information and resources for each event can be found by clicking on the "Read More" link. All times listed are Eastern Time, unless otherwise noted.

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(17 total)

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  1. Accurate Flux Calibration in the Era of Space Astronomy and All-Sky Surveys

    October 22 through 25, 2024 Workshops

    Advances in space telescope technology and all-sky surveys are driving the need for more precise and accurate flux calibration across the observable spectrum.  The Space Telescope Science Institute...

  2. Webb Office Hours

    October 24, 2024 Community Events

    The JWST User Community is invited to call into Webb Office Hours to ask questions and directly interact with a team of STScI JWST experts via WebEx. We welcome questions about the JWST Pipeline, calibration,...

  3. Pushing into the Cosmic Dark Ages with JWST

    October 30, 2024 Colloquia

    Pushing the Hubble Space Telescope to its limits at the end of the last decade has allowed astronomers to view the tip of the cosmic iceberg at a time only 500 Myr after the Big Bang. While a few candidate...

  4. Strange New Worlds

    November 1, 2024 Lectures

    Is there a universal divide between planets with and without atmospheres? Is it based on their incident fluxes and escape velocities? By studying exoplanets that span the cosmic shoreline, we have begun...

  5. Exploring Cosmic Acceleration: Insights from DESI 2024

    November 6, 2024 Colloquia

    The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration is conducting a five-year redshift survey of 40 million extra-galactic sources over 14,000 square degrees of the northern sky up to the redshift...

  6. The Invisible Universe and the Power of Citizen Science

    November 12, 2024 Lectures

    Speaker: Eleni Vardoulaki (National Observatory of Athens) What's in the invisible universe? How can we best observe it? The international collaboration Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU)...

  7. The Robot and I: Learning the Evolution of Gas from Molecular Clouds to Stars

    November 13, 2024 Colloquia

    Star formation results from a complex, non-linear interplay between gravity, turbulence, magnetic fields, radiation and stellar feedback. Machine learning, combined with numerical simulations, can effectively...

  8. Webb Office Hours

    November 14, 2024 Community Events

    The JWST User Community is invited to call into Webb Office Hours to ask questions and directly interact with a team of STScI JWST experts via WebEx. We welcome questions about the JWST Pipeline, calibration,...

  9. The Open Access Era of Exoplanet Characterization at the Onset of Next-Generation Telescopes

    November 20, 2024 Colloquia

    Abstract is forthcoming Speaker: Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames Research Center)

  10. Hunting the Stellar Undead

    December 3, 2024 Lectures

    Speaker: Gregory Sivakoff (University of Alberta)

  11. Knowing Stars, Knowing Planets: Unlocking JWST Exploration of Exoplanet Atmospheres through New Stellar Insights

    December 4, 2024 Colloquia

    Abstract is forthcoming. Speaker:  Benjamin Rackham (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

  12. The Fate of Volatiles Through Earth's Accretion and the Moon-forming Giant Impact

    December 6, 2024 Lectures

    Delivery and loss of volatile elements and compounds (such as water, carbon, nitrogen and the noble gases) during Earth’s accretion set the stage for the rest of our planet's history. Volatiles...

  13. New Views of Cool Atmosphere Physics and Chemistry from JWST

    December 11, 2024 Colloquia

    Giant planets and brown dwarfs are astrophysical objects with different formation locations – planets in disks and brown dwarfs (we think) in giant molecular clouds. These different objects transition...

  14. Planets, Life, and the Universe Lecture

    February 7, 2025 Lectures

    Abstract is forthcoming. Speaker: Jeemin Rhim (University of California, Santa Barbara)

  15. The Perils and Promise of Observations to Characterize Small Exoplanets

    March 7, 2025 Lectures

    Abstract is forthcoming. Speaker: Johanna Teske (Carnegie Earth and Planets Lab)