
This table shows all the SODRM Exoplanets Science programs. The columns list the current SODRM program number, the estimated total time (exposure and direct overheads), the title, and the instruments used. Refer to the Exoplanet Program Information page for details.

Number Hours Title NIRCam NIRSpec NIRISS MIRI
93030 519.0 Direct Observations of Planetary Systems: MIRI       X
93031 144.5 Direct Observations of Planetary Systems: NIRCam X      
93032 99.9 Direct Observations of Planetary Systems: NIRISS     X  
93035 69.0 Direct Imaging of Planetary Systems around White Dwarfs X     X
93040 21.7 High S/N NIRCam Observations of an Earth Analogue Around a Nearby Sun-like Star X      
93041 492.1 Transit, Eclipse, and Orbital Phase Spectroscopy of Exoplanets with NIRSpec   X    
93042 129.3 Determining the Frequency of Hot Earths       X
93044 170.6 Imaging and Spectroscopy of Transiting Exoplanets-MIRI       X
93050 278.2 Search for Giant Planets in the Taurus Star-forming Regions     X  
93051 49.5 Long Wavelength Follow-up of Planets Found by Ground-based Extreme Adaptive Optics Planet Finders     X  
93052 116.5 Search for Giant Planets Around Young Low-mass Stars     X  
93053 18.7 Transit Spectroscopy of a Habitable Earth-like Planet Around an M Dwarf     X  
93054 149.6 Transit Spectroscopy of Exoplanets with NIRISS     X  
93055 140.5 Phase Curves of Hot Jupiters with NIRISS     X  


Other SODRM Programs

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