COS Walkthrough Notebooks

The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) team has created a series of interactive Jupyter Notebooks to walk users through common procedures for working with COS data products. These notebooks are intended for COS users of any experience level. We encourage you to use them, adapt them, and share them with your peers, colleagues, and students. 

They can be accessed through the spacetelescope/hst_notebooks GitHub repository in the subdirectory notebooks/COS, as well as in the table below of currently operational notebooks.  

Please visit the COS Notebooks website for additional details on installation, setup, and updates.

You can also view our iPoster from the 238th conference of the AAS.


Currently Operational Notebooks

Name Topic

Notebook File


Rendered File

Setup Setting up your computer environment to work with COS data Setup.ipynb Setup.html
DataDI Downloading COS Data from the archive DataDI.ipynb DataDI.html
ViewData Beginning to work with COS data in Python: plotting, binning, calculating SNR, & evaluating a spectrum ViewData.ipynb ViewData.html
AsnFile Modifying or creating an association file AsnFile.ipynb AsnFile.html
CalCOS Running the COS pipeline (CalCOS) CalCOS.ipynb CalCOS.html


Breaking COS TIME-TAG data into multiple sub-exposures SplitTag.ipynb


DayNight Filtering out COS data taken during the day or night DayNight.ipynb DayNight.html
LSF Working with the COS Line Spread Function (LSF) LSF.ipynb LSF.html
Extract Editing the extraction boxes in a BOXCAR-method spectral extraction file (XTRACTAB) Extract.ipynb Extract.html


Last Updated: 08/15/2024

HST Help Desk 

Please contact the HST Help Desk with any questions.