Articles and Annual Reports

Articles from the STScI newsletter and annual report, featuring the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, are available below.

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  1. Charting a Course for the Cloud


    Building software for Roman’s Science Operations Center is a balance between innovating and borrowing from existing systems.

    An illustration shows the Roman Space Telescope at the center, pointing left and set against the black background of space with small circular stars appearing throughout. Four boxes that look like windows with deep window sills appear around the telescope. At their centers are white illustrations. The top left box shows an illustration of two planets, with orbits drawn, moving around a star. The bottom left shows several stars in a variety of sizes, each with four diffraction spikes. The top right shows a spiral galaxy with arms moving clockwise, and a few white dots at the outer areas of the arms. The bottom right box includes only a question mark.
  2. Preparing for Panoramic Views


    STScI ramps up community engagement with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and continues to make progress building software for the mission.

    18 boxes, broken into six columns of three, which represent Roman’s field of view, are overlaid on a field of galaxies. The two outermost columns are closer to the bottom of the image than the middle two columns, which are slightly lower than the center two columns. Below the centermost columns is a label that says, “Roman field of view.”
  3. All In


    A behind-the-scenes account of the James Webb Space Telescope’s first year.

    Thousands of small galaxies appear across this view of SMACS 0723 from the James Webb Space Telescope. Their colors vary. Some are shades of orange, while others are white. Most appear as fuzzy ovals, but a few have distinct spiral arms. In front of the galaxies are several foreground stars. Most appear blue, and the bright stars have diffraction spikes, forming an eight-pointed star shape. There are also many thin, long, orange arcs that curve around the center of the image.
  4. Designing a Powerful Science Platform


    Our Roman team helped the mission meet major milestones, designed a robust cloud-based science platform, and continued to engage the astronomical community.

    Roman’s field of view is far larger than Webb’s and Hubble’s
  5. Honoring a Groundbreaking Astronomer


    This year WFIRST was officially named the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, and STScI made big strides in educating the scientific community about its range of research opportunities.

    Nancy Grace Roman in front of a control board
  6. Expanding Our View with WFIRST


    As the newly appointed Science Operations Center, the institute will help ensure the scientific success of NASA’s upcoming Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope scheduled for launch in the mid-2020s.

    simulated WFIRST view of M31

Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope insignia

The NASA Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is managed by NASA/GSFC with participation of STScI, Caltech/IPAC, and NASA/JPL.

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