
When filling out the NASA Hubble Fellowship online application form, applicants are requested to choose one primary science category that best encapsulates their proposed research, and up to three secondary science categories that will provide more insight into the applicant’s proposed line of research. Applicants are also asked to supply up to three techniques that they use in their research. Applications will be read by a mix of expert and non-expert astrophysicists. The science categories and techniques are used to help select the expert reviewers.


Primary Science Categories

Select one Primary Science Category. It allows the NHFP Selection Committee to assign each application to a review panel.

  • Compact Objects and Accretion
  • Exoplanet Formation and Protoplanetary Disks
  • Exoplanets and Habitability
  • Galaxies and the Intergalactic Medium
  • The Milky Way and Resolved Stellar Populations
  • Physics and Cosmology
  • Stellar Physics

Secondary Science Categories

Select two to five Secondary Science Categories, which help the NHFP Selection Committee assign individual reviewers.

  • Accretion Disks
  • Active Galactic Nuclei
  • Asteroids
  • Astrobiology
  • Astrochemistry
  • Binary Stars
  • Biosignatures
  • Black Holes
  • Blazars
  • Broad Absorption Line Quasars
  • Brown Dwarfs
  • Bulges/Spheroids/Ellipticals
  • Cataclysmic Variables
  • Chemical Abundances
  • Chemical Composition
  • Chemical Evolution
  • Circumgalactic Medium
  • Circumstellar/Debris Disks
  • Color-Magnitude Diagrams
  • Comets
  • Common Envelope Evolution
  • Compact Objects
  • Cooling Flows
  • Cool Stars
  • Cosmic Infrared Background
  • Cosmic Microwave Background
  • Cosmology
  • Damped Lyman-alpha Absorption
  • Dark Energy
  • Dark Matter
  • Diffuse Emission
  • Distance Ladder
  • Dust
  • Dwarf Galaxies
  • Eclipsing Binaries
  • Elliptical Galaxies
  • Eruptive Binary Systems
  • Emission-line Galaxies
  • Evolved Stars
  • Exomoons
  • Exoplanet Atmospheres: Giant Planets
  • Exoplanet Atmospheres: Rocky Planets
  • Exoplanet Demographics
  • Exoplanet Dynamics
  • Exoplanet Formation
  • Exoplanet Habitability
  • Exoplanet Host Stars
  • Exoplanet Internal Structure
  • Exoplanet Phase Curves
  • Exoplanet System Evolution
  • Extragalactic Background Light
  • Fast Radio Bursts
  • Feedback
  • Galactic Center
  • Galactic Structure
  • Galaxy Clusters
  • Galaxy Formation and Evolution
  • Galaxy Groups
  • Galaxy Structure and Morphology
  • Galaxy Winds/Outflows
  • Gamma-ray Bursts
  • Giant Planets
  • Globular Clusters
  • Gravitational Lensing
  • Gravitational Physics
  • Gravitational Waves
  • HII Regions
  • High Energy Processes
  • High Mass Stars
  • High-z Galaxies
  • Host Galaxies
  • Hot Stars
  • Infrared-luminous Galaxies
  • Interacting/Merging Galaxies
  • Intergalactic Medium
  • Intermediate-z Galaxies
  • Interstellar Medium
  • Irregular Galaxies
  • Jets
  • Kilonovae
  • Local Group Galaxies
  • Low Mass Stars
  • Lyman-alpha Forest
  • Magellanic Clouds
  • Main Sequence Stars
  • Mass Transfer Binaries
  • Molecular Clouds
  • Moon(s)
  • Nearby Galaxies
  • Neutron Stars/Pulsars
  • Novae
  • Planetary Atmospheres
  • Planetary Nebulae
  • Planetary Nebulae Central Stars
  • Pre-main Sequence Stars
  • Proto-planetary disks
  • Quasars
  • Radiative Transfer
  • Radio Galaxies
  • Rocky Planets
  • Scaling Relations
  • Seyfert Galaxies
  • Spectral Energy Distributions
  • Spiral Galaxies
  • Star Clusters
  • Star Formation
  • Star-Planet Interactions
  • Starburst Galaxies
  • Stellar Activity
  • Stellar Atmospheres
  • Stellar Evolution
  • Stellar Populations
  • Stellar Winds
  • Supernova Remnants
  • Supernovae
  • Technosignatures
  • Terrestrial Planets
  • Tidal Disruption Events
  • Transients
  • Variable Stars
  • White Dwarfs
  • Young Stellar Objects
  • X-ray Binaries
  • Zodiacal Dust



Select up to five Techniques, which help the NHFP Selection Committee assign individual reviewers.

  • Asteroseismology
  • Astrometry
  • Coronagraphy
  • Data Analysis/Reduction
  • Data Engineering/Big Data
  • Instrumentation
  • Interferometry
  • Laboratory Astrophysics
  • Machine Learning
  • Microlensing
  • Observation: Gravitational waves
  • Observation: Optical/Infrared/UV
  • Observation: Particle astrophysics
  • Observation: Radio/Submillimeter
  • Observation: X-ray/Gamma Ray
  • Orbital Dynamics
  • Photometry
  • Radial Velocity
  • Simulations/Models
  • Spectroscopy
  • Statistics
  • Surveys
  • Theory
  • Time Domain Studies
  • Transit Timing
  • Transits
  • Variability


➤ Last updated: September 6, 2022

Contact the NHFP

[email protected]
NASA Hubble Fellowship Program