Grief and bereavement at work

If you're grieving and aren't sure what to do about work, or you're supporting a grieving colleague, we can help. Read on for useful information and guidance.

Employee resources

I'm a bereaved employee

Guidance on knowing what you're entitled to after a bereavement, how to ask for the support you need, and returning to work when you're ready.

Get support

I'm a bereaved employee

The impact of grief at work

58% of employees felt their performance was affected by grief months after bereavement.

54% of employees worried taking time off after a bereavement would affect their job security​.

29% of employees were not confident in knowing what to say to a bereaved colleague​.

14% of HR professionals were not confident they'd know what to say to a bereaved employee.

Source: Marie Curie, 2021

Need to talk to someone?

Bereavement Line

Bereavement support service

Marie Curie Bereavement Support Service is a nationwide free listening service for people grieving the loss of loved ones from terminal illness.
Bereavement support service
Support Line

Support Line

Call our Support Line on 0800 090 2309 for practical and clinical information and support on all aspects of end of life and bereavement.
Support Line
Companion over the phone

Companion over the phone

Marie Curie's Companion over the phone service offers free ongoing emotional support each week, regardless of location or prior contact.
Companion over the phone
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