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    如果您有疑問,請隨時通過[email protected] 與我們聯繫。 您還可以查看我們的隱私常見問題解答。
  1. 我們會收集哪些有關您的資訊?

    1.(A) 透過《世界新聞網》服務收集的資訊。

    i. 您自願提供給我們的資訊

    • 帳單:為處理付款或捐贈流程,我們會收集和使用您的付款資訊。
    • 付款資訊可包括您的姓名、地址、電話號碼、電子郵件位址、信用卡或簽帳金融卡資訊及其他相關資訊。
    • 用戶生成的內容:您可以發佈其他用戶能夠閱讀的內容(例如,評論),任何人均可閱讀、收集和使用您在發文時公佈的個人資訊。
    • 我們無義務必須刊登您的任何內容。如果法律要求我們撤下、刪除或者編輯您的個人資訊,我們會遵守法律的要求。
    • 在與我們客服中心進行聯繫期間:您使用電話或者透過我們免付費電話聯繫客服下單時,我們會向您收集資訊,包括您的姓名、聯繫資訊,以及您選擇提供的其他資訊。
    • 個人聯繫資訊:我們從不為取得您的聯繫資訊而掃描您的裝置或上傳此類資料。

    ii. 自動收集的資訊


    • 識別碼和裝置資訊:






    iii. 有關敏感個人資訊的說明

    • 政府簽發的身分證明(例如,您的駕照、護照或社會安全號碼)
    • 您所屬的種族或族群
    • 您的政治觀點
    • 您的宗教或其他信仰
    • 您的健康、生物特徵或遺傳特徵
    • 工會會員資格
    • 您的性徵(有關您性生活或性向的資訊)
    • 犯罪背景
    • 您的私人通訊內容(您可能傳送給我們的訊息除外)

    1.(B) 我們建立或生成的資訊。


    1.(C) 從其他來源收集的資訊。

    i. 私有資料庫:


    ii. 社交媒體平台和其他第三方服務:(社交媒體平台包括Facebook, X, TikTok, Snap...等。第三方服務包括Google...等。)


    2. 我們會如何處理收集的有關您的資訊?


    2.(A) 我們提供《世界新聞網》服務


    • 為您提供《世界新聞網》服務
    • 向您的帳戶分配權限
    • 提供客戶服務
    • 回覆您的諮詢、請求、建議或投訴
    • 完成您的付款和交易
    • 傳送服務相關訊息(例如,我們條款和條件的變更)
    • 儲存您的閱讀清單、收據或屬性搜尋
    • 讓您參與付費服務、問卷調查、推廣、調查、專家小組、研究和評論。

    2.(B) 我們為您提供個人化體驗


    2.(C) 我們允許您分享用戶生成的內容您在您的內容中披露的任何資訊將會公開——連同您選擇的網路名稱及上傳的照片。

    2.(D) 我們開發產品和服務並進行分析

    Google Analytics是我們使用的分析供應商之一。您可以詳細瞭解Google Analytics如何使用資料,以及如何選擇停用Google Analytics。
    2.(E) 我們執行行政管理任務


    2.(F) 我們允許在《世界新聞網》服務投放個人化的廣告以及為第三方廣告商獲取受眾

    我們代表廣告商收集資料,並與第三方合作,向您顯示個人化的廣告。該等資料來自我們或第三方設定的廣告追蹤技術(例如Cookie)、您提供的資訊(例如,您的電子郵件位址)、您對《世界新聞網》服務的使用情況(例如您的閱讀歷史記錄)、來自廣告商或廣告供應商的資訊(例如人口統計資料),以及從該等資訊推測出的任何資訊。我們僅會以不透露您身分之方式,使用或共享該等資訊。例如,我們使用Google提供《世界新聞網》服務的廣告服務。Google會根據您存取worldjournal.com和其他網站的情況,使用Cookie或者唯一裝置識別碼,並結合其自有資料向您顯示廣告。您可以透過存取相關Google隱私權政策,選擇退出使用Google Cookie。




    如需精準廣告以及特定瀏覽器和裝置如何選擇拒收精準廣告的更多資訊,請存取DAA Webchoices瀏覽器檢查和NAI選擇退出基於興趣的廣告。您可以下載AppChoices應用程式,在行動應用程式中選擇拒收精準廣告。

    2.(G) 我們向您提供《世界新聞網》服務的廣告


    2.(H) 我們將個人資訊聚合(或去識別化)到更全面的調查結果之中

    3. 我們向誰披露或分享我們收集的信息?

    3.(A) 在世界新聞網公司內部共享:


    3.(B) 共享給服務供應商:


    • 處理您的付款
    • 完成您的訂單
    • 維護技術和相關基礎設施
    • 為您提供客戶服務
    • 提供廣告服務和精準廣告
    • 評估廣告業績
    • 展示調查
    • 向您運送產品和傳送郵件
    • 分發電子郵件
    • 清單處理和分析
    • 管理及分析研究
    • 管理推廣活動
    • 執行此類任務時,服務供應商通常可以取得您的個人資訊。

    3.(C) 與其他第三方共享:


    請注意,某些供應商的做法以及超出我們掌控的的法律修改,改變了我們對此的看法。首先,如本政策其他部分所述,如果監管機構可能認為披露匹配廣告的信息屬於“銷售”,如果您是適用司法管轄區的居民,並且我們將選擇讓您退出此類匹配廣告,並且 您行使不“出售”您的個人信息的權利。




    i. 我們按照上文第2(F)節所述方式,提供資訊給第三方廣告商及其代理商。
    ii. 如上文第2(G)節所述,我們提供資訊給第三方營運和擁有與行銷相關的網站、位置、平台和服務機構。
    iii. 我們會用外部服務處理您透過《世界新聞網》服務進行的付款。發生這種情形時,有兩種情況:
    • 我們收集您的資訊,並將其提供給第三方服務機構進行處理。
    • 第三方服務收集您的資訊進行處理。
    iv. 如果我們全部或任何部分業務、資產或股票發生重組、合併、出售、合資、轉讓、轉讓或其他處分(包括與任何破產或類似程序相關的情況),在合理權益下,我們得向第三方(例如收購方及其顧問)披露或轉移您的資訊。
    v. 根據法律要求,我們可以保留個人資訊或披露個人資訊。在我們認為有必要如下行事時,我們亦可保留個人資訊或披露個人資訊:
    • 遵守法律或法律程序
    • 保護和捍衛我們的權利和財產
    • 防止濫用或未經授權使用《世界新聞網》服務
    • 保護我們的人員、用戶或公眾安全或者財產(例如,如果您提供虛假資訊或試圖冒充他人,我們可能會共享您的資訊,以有助於對您的行為進行調查)
    • 與政府機關合作,政府機關可能位於您居住的國家/地區之外。
    vi. 我們會以RSS訂閱、API和其他分發格式披露公共活動。因此,您的公共活動可能會出現在其他網站、部落格或訂閱上。

    4. 您享有哪些權利和選擇?


    4.(A) 一般權利和選擇

    i. 首選通訊方式


    • 電子郵件:
      我們提供各種商業電子郵件和電子郵件通訊。您可以按照電子郵件底部附近的說明退訂來自時報的電子郵件和電子郵件通訊。您也可以發送電子郵件至[email protected]
    • 推播通知:

    ii. 存取、更正、變更/更新、刪除或限制處理您的個人資訊

    • 存取、修改或刪除我們所擁有您的個人資訊
    • 接收我們擁有的有關您個人資訊的電子副本,進行資料移植。
    • 限制或反對我們處理有關您的個人資訊之方式

    iii. 瀏覽器和平台控制

    • Cookie控制:
    • 全域隱私控制:
    • 禁止追蹤:
    • 「禁止追蹤」信號。此外,您還可使用包括上述Cookie控制和廣告控制在內的其他各種工具,以控制資料的收集使用。
    • 行動廣告ID控制:
    • 電子郵件web信標:



    v. 其他權力和選擇

    本隱私權政策旨在方便殘障人士使用。若您存取本政策時遇到困難,請傳送電子郵件到[email protected]聯繫我們。我們希望您聯繫我們來解決您的問題或疑慮。
    在某些管轄區域,如果我們拒絕對您行使上述選擇權採取行動,您可以向我們提起申訴。如需我們提供協助,請將以「Take Action on Privacy Request」(拒絕隱私收集)為主旨的電子郵件,傳送至[email protected]聯繫我們,郵件正文請提供相關資訊。

    5. 資料將保留多長時間?




    6. 你們會如何保護我的資訊?



    7. 是否有針對兒童的相關準則?


    我們不會故意以COPPA不允許的方式收集個人資訊(依照美國《兒童隱私保護法》或COPPA定義)。如果您是父母或監護人,並且認為我們以法律不允許的方式收集您孩子的資訊,請傳送電子郵件至我們電子郵箱[email protected]聯繫我們。我們將按照適用法律的要求刪除資料。

    8. 你們會如何進行資訊的國際傳輸?



    9. 我們有什麼法律依據?





    我們在收集處理個人資訊方面擁有合法權益,例如:(1) 確保我們的網路和資訊安全;(2) 管理和一般開展世界新聞網公司內部業務;(3) 預防詐騙;以及(4) 開展我們行銷活動。

    10. 什麼是第三方服務?



    如上所述,您可透過第三方數位財產(如第三方網站、架構和網域),使用《世界新聞網》服務的部分內容。然而,該等第三方數位財產可能影響您的資料實踐和資料偏好。例如,為了有助於行動裝置快速載入《世界新聞網》服務,我們會使用Google AMP。此外,為了提升《世界新聞網》服務的便利性,我們還會使用第三方財產。

    如果您在使用其中一個第三方數位財產時設定了資料偏好,那麼只有該第三方數位財產儲存了您使用《世界新聞網》服務的資料偏好。當您透過《世界新聞網》自有數位財產使用《世界新聞網》服務時,您的偏好將不予呈現。在您的Cookie被清除前,僅有Google AMP和其他第三方數位財產儲存了您的偏好。您的Cookies一經清除,在後續存取《世界新聞網》服務的各個第三方數位財產時,您皆需重設資料偏好。

    如果您的瀏覽器設定允許進行跨網站追蹤(如追蹤器跨網站追蹤您的偏好),您可在《世界新聞網》自有數位財產上設定您的偏好。而當您透過Google AMP使用《世界新聞網》服務時,瀏覽器仍會記住您的偏好。然而,如果您的瀏覽器設定尚未允許跨網站追蹤,您在《世界新聞網》自有數位財產上的偏好,將不予延續至透過Google AMP使用的《世界新聞網》服務。


    11. 如何共享本隱私權政策的變更?





    如果您有任何疑問,請傳送電子郵件到我們郵箱[email protected],或致函如下地址: 本隱私權政策中,世界新聞網公司被稱為「《世界新聞網》」、「我們」或「我們的」。

    世界日報網站隱私權聲明最近一次修改時間:2024 年 06 月 19 日。

Privacy Policy

Last Updated on June 19, 2024

At The World Journal Company, We want you to understand how we handle your personal information. We also want you to know your rights and choices.
This policy describes how we handle your personal information when you use the following “Services”:
Our websites, like worldjournal.com
Anywhere we gather information from you and refer you to this Privacy Policy
How we handle information about you depends on which Services you use and how you use them.
Be aware that certain Services work differently. Some have additional terms that supplement this policy (e.g., Reader Submissions). Others, like events and wjc88.com, refer to a different privacy policy altogether, so this one does not apply in those cases.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. You can also review our Privacy F.A.Q.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

1. What Information Do We Gather About You?

The information we gather about you depends on the context. By and large, it’s information about you that can personally identify you — either on its own or when combined with other information.

The following describes the information we collect and how we obtain it.

1. (A) Information Collected through Services.

i. Information You Voluntarily Give Us

For Billing:

To process payments or donations, we collect and use your payment information. This can include your name, your address, your telephone number, your email address, your credit or debit card information and any other relevant information.

For User-Generated Content:

We offer you the ability to post content that other users can read (e.g., comments ). Anyone can read, collect and use any personal information that accompanies your posts.

We do not have to publish any of your content. If the law requires us to take down, remove or edit your content, we will comply.

Personal Contacts Data:

We never scan your device for your contacts or upload that data.
With your consent, we do comply with your requests to collect data about your friends, family or acquaintances (e.g., Refer-a-Friend campaigns). This functionality is only meant for U.S. residents. By using it, you acknowledge and agree that both you and your contacts are based in the United States — and that you have everyone’s consent for us to use their contact information.

ii. Information Collected Automatically

When you use Services, we collect some information automatically. The technologies we use to assist with this data collection include cookies, web beacons, tags and scripts and software development kits (or SDKs). We may also use newer technologies, as many browsers begin to deprecate third party cookies. We use these technologies on our digital properties, including our websites and apps, as well as in our email communications and newsletters.

The categories of personal information we collect automatically include:

Identifiers and Device Information:

When you access our Services digitally, including our websites, apps, email communications and newsletters, our servers automatically log information about the device you are using, including unique identifiers. If your browser doesn’t accept our cookies or similar technologies, you can’t access certain parts of our websites (e.g., your account on worldjournal.com). The items we log include:

Your IP address

Cookie identifiers
Your operating system and browser (e.g., type, version, and configuration)
Your browser language

Device identifiers (such as MAC address)

Advertising identifiers

We combine this data with other information we collect about you.

Geolocation Information:

Where applicable, we use location information such as your city, state, zip code, to personalize content provided to you, including, but not limited to, more relevant articles, newsletters, and weather updates. We also use location information such as zip code to show you prices and promotions, as explained in the discussion of Personalization below.

Some of our apps can provide content based on your GPS location if you enable this feature. Your GPS location is your precise geolocation, which is considered a type of sensitive personal information.

You choose whether to enable GPS features when you first install the app. You can edit that setting on your device at any time. If you enable these features, your GPS location can be found by satellite, cell phone tower or Wi-Fi and used by the app. If you save a location-based search in your history, that data moves to our service provider’s servers — see below for the definition of service provider.

If you do not enable GPS location-based services, or if a specific app does not have location-based features, we don’t collect your precise GPS location. We do collect your IP address, which can establish your approximate location. Ads on our sites and apps may be targeted based on this approximate location but are never targeted based on your GPS location.

Other Usage Data:

We collect certain internet and network activity on our Services, including our websites and apps, such as the URLs of any pages you visit on our sites and apps, the URL of the website from which you came to our sites, how long you spent on a page, access times and other details about your use of and actions on our Services.

iii. A Note about Sensitive Personal Information

We generally don’t want to gather sensitive personal information about you. This includes: Government-issued IDs (such as your driver’s license, passport or social security number)

  • Your racial or ethnic origin
  • Your political opinions
  • Your religion or other beliefs
  • Your health, biometric or genetic characteristics
  • Any trade union membership
  • Your sexuality (information about your sex life or sexual orientation)
  • Any criminal background
  • The content of your private communications (other than messages you may send to us)

    However, as discussed above, we sometimes collect precise geolocation information (which may be considered a sensitive data type) to provide GPS-based location services you choose to enable. Also, some laws define account access information, such as a username and password, as sensitive personal information, but we collect that information only for the accounts you create directly with us and not for any other account you may have with a third party.

    Finally, there are situations when we request certain of the above information (e.g., a reader survey asks about your political leanings or ethnicity) but you can decline to answer. Outside these situations we would prefer you never share sensitive personal information with us.

    1. (B) Information We Create or Generate.

    We infer new information from other data we collect, including using automated means such as machine learning, which may include third party machine learning services, to generate information about your likely preferences or other characteristics (“inferences”).

    1. (C) Information Collected from Other Sources.

    i. Privately Owned Databases:

    Marketing, data analytic and social media-owned databases give us access to a range of information — like public data, survey data and more. This data sometimes includes your mailing address, your gender, your age, your household income and other demographic data.

    ii. Social Media Platforms and Other Third-Party Services:

    (Social media platforms include services like Instagram, Facebook, X, TikTok, Snap and other platforms. Third-party services include services like Google.)

    You can link your social media or other third-party account to a Times Service. By linking the services, you authorize us to collect, store and use any information they may give us (e.g., your email address). You can disconnect your worldjournal.com registration from third-party accounts at any time.

    We also receive information from you when you interact with our pages, groups, accounts or posts on social media platforms. This includes aggregate data on our followers (e.g., age, gender and location), engagement data (e.g., “likes,” comments, shares, reposts and clicks), awareness data (e.g., number of impressions and reach) and individual users’ public profiles.

    Use of Cookies and Other Electronic Tools

    2. What Do We Do with the Information We Collect about You?

    We use each of the categories of personal information described above for the following business and commercial purposes. The activities below can involve outside companies, agents or contractors (“service providers”) to whom we disclose your personal information for these purposes (discussed further below in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy).

    2. (A) We Provide the Services.

    We use your information to help you use and navigate Services, such as: Making a Times Service available to you
    Arranging access to your account
    Providing customer service
    Responding to your inquiries, requests, suggestions or complaints
    Completing your payments and transactions
    Sending service-related transactional messages (e.g., a change in our terms and conditions)
    Saving your reading list, recipes or searches
    Letting you take part in paid services, polls, promotions, surveys, panels, research and comments.

    2. (B) We Personalize Your Experience.

    We track your interests and reading habits (e.g., the articles you read) to personalize your experience using technology like algorithmic recommendations and machine learning, which may include third party machine learning services. This is how we highlight articles you might be interested in and de-emphasize articles you’ve already read. We also show you prices, promotions, products or services we believe you’ll find interesting, based on demographic and usage data, including but not limited to location data such as IP address and zip code.

    2. (C) We Allow You to Share User-Generated Content.

    Any information you disclose in your content becomes public — along with your chosen screen name and uploaded photo.

    2. (D) We Develop Products and Services, and Do Analysis.

    We analyze data on our users’ subscriptions, purchases, registered account activity and other usage behaviors. This helps us make business and marketing decisions. For example, our analysis, which includes the use of technology like machine learning (proprietary or third party), lets us predict preferences and price points for our products and services. It helps us determine whether our marketing is successful. It also shows us characteristics about our readers, which we sometimes share in aggregate with advertisers. Google Analytics is one of the analytics providers we use on certain Services. You can find out how Google Analytics uses data and how to opt out of Google Analytics.

    2. (E) We Carry Out Administrative Tasks.

    For auditing: We verify that our internal processes work as intended and comply with legal, regulatory and contractual requirements. For fraud and security monitoring: We detect and prevent cyberattacks or unauthorized robot activities. For customer satisfaction: We assess users’ satisfaction with Services and our customer care team.

    2. (F) We Allow for Personalized Advertising on Services and Create Audiences for Third-Party Advertisers.

    We gather data and work with service providers and third parties to show you and measure the performance of personalized ads on behalf of advertisers. This data comes from ad tracking technologies set by us or the third party (e.g., cookies), the information you provide (e.g., your email address), your use of Services (e.g., your reading and account activity history), information from advertisers or advertising vendors (e.g., demographic data) and anything inferred from any of this information.

    For example, we use Google to serve ads on Services. Google uses cookies or unique device identifiers, in combination with their own data, to show you ads based on your visit to worldjournal.com and other sites. You can opt out of the use of certain Google cookies by visiting the related Google privacy policy.

    We also identify groups of users to whom to serve personalized ads on behalf of our advertisers. To do this, we combine information we collect through surveys or registration with information we collect automatically using tracking technologies while you browse our sites and apps. This combined information is used to build models. These data models are then used to measure users’ attributes, like their demographic information or their interests. Working with service providers, we use these measurements to group users by common attributes. Each group is associated with a random ID which is then passed to our ad server for use in targeting ad campaigns on our sites and apps.

    Another example is our affiliate link vendors, which we use in our guides and product recommendations. Services like Wirecutter may include links that will send you to vendor URLs and other services not operated or controlled by us. These vendors use cookies and other technologies to collect information about your navigation from the Services to the merchant you are visiting. If you buy a product after following a link to a link vendor’s URL, we may earn a commission.

    Additional Notes:

    For more about targeted advertising, and how to opt out with your specific browser and device, go to the DAA Webchoices Browser Check and NAI Opt Out of Interest-Based Advertising. You can download the AppChoices app to opt out in mobile apps.

    We try to limit how our third-party advertising technology vendors use the information they gather from you. Many of these providers require us to enter into contracts that allow them to optimize their own services and products, or that help them create their own. Essentially, these providers combine any information they gather about you through Services with information they receive from their other clients. This helps them target ads to you on behalf of their other clients, not just us.

    These third parties sometimes use other services in order to serve ads; check their privacy policies for more details.

    2. (G) We Advertise or Market Services to You.

    We market our Services to you. Sometimes we use marketing vendors to do this. For example, when you visit Services, the Google Dynamic Floodlight tag collects data through redirects of requests from your browser to entities other than Services, Google, and the owner or operator of other properties on which The Times may serve marketing using Google.

    We serve ads through websites, locations, platforms and services operated and owned by third parties. Often these ads are targeted at people who have visited or registered for a Times Service but have not subscribed to or purchased anything. The ads are also targeted at people with similar traits or behaviors to our subscribers or customers.

    We target our advertising to these users by uploading a customer list (email addresses) to a third party, or by incorporating a tracking technology from a third party onto our Times Service. The third party then matches individuals who appear in both our data and their data.

    We will take steps designed to opt you out of such matched ads if you are a resident of certain states where you have the right to opt out of such processing, as discussed further below. That being said, in order to opt out of receiving these matched ads, you should also contact the applicable third parties. For example, when we use “Custom Audiences” to serve you our ad through Facebook, you should be able to hover over the box in the right corner of that Facebook ad and opt out. We are not responsible for any third party’s failure to comply with opt-out requests.

    We periodically send you targeted email newsletters or promotional emails.

    2. (H) We Aggregate (or De-identify) Personal Information into Larger Findings.

    Sometimes we aggregate or de-identify information so that it can no longer identify you, as defined under applicable laws. This helps us better understand and represent our users, such as when we measure ad performance, create advertising interest-based segments or compile survey results. We can use and disclose this aggregated or de-identified information for any purpose, unless an applicable law says otherwise.

    Disclosure of Personal Information and Other Information
    3. To Whom Do We Disclose or Share the Information We Gather?

    3. (A) Within The World Journal Company:

    Our affiliates may access your information for the purposes listed here. Our affiliates include the companies on this list.

    3. (B) With Service Providers:

    We work with service providers, as defined above, to carry out certain tasks, including:

  • Processing your payments
  • Fulfilling your orders
  • Maintaining technology and related infrastructure
  • Offering you customer service
  • Serving and targeting ads
  • Measuring ad performance
  • Presenting surveys
  • Shipping you products and mailings
  • Distributing emails
  • List processing and analytics
  • Managing and analyzing research
  • Managing promotions

  • When performing these tasks, service providers often have access to your personal information. We sometimes allow them to use aggregated or de-identified information for other purposes, in accordance with applicable laws.

    3. (C) With Other Third Parties:

    There are situations when we disclose your information to third parties beyond our service providers. For example, as discussed above in Section 2, we share your email address and other personal information with third parties both for marketing of Services across third party sites and services, and to support matching for third party advertising on Services. Those emails may or may not be hashed when they are shared with third parties.

    It is worth noting how practices of certain vendors and changes in law outside of our control have changed what we can say about this. First, as noted elsewhere in this Policy, to the extent regulators take the position that the disclosure of information for matched ads is a “sale,” we will take steps designed to opt you out of such matched ads if you are a resident of an applicable jurisdiction and you exercise your right not to have your personal information “sold.” As noted above, you may also have to contact certain third parties to opt out of such matched ads.

    Second, at least one of our vendors uses pseudonymized email addresses they receive from us to power products that they provide to us and their other customers. Therefore, it is possible that your email address, which was shared with our vendor to provide services to us, is being used in pseudonymized form by the vendor to provide products and services to other companies.

    While we try to control the behavior of our vendors that we understand to be service providers, some of those vendors engage in activities beyond our control that may be seen by a regulator as the activities of “third parties,” not service providers.

    The following provides more information about the circumstances in which we know we are disclosing personal information to third parties that are not service providers.

    i. We provide information to third party advertisers and their agencies as described in Section 2(F) above.
    ii. We provide information to websites, locations, platforms and services operated and owned by third parties in connection with marketing, as described in Section 2(G) above.
    iii. We process payments you make through Services with external services. There are two ways this can happen:
    We collect your information and provide it to the third-party service for processing .

    The third-party service collects your information for processing.

    iv. In the event of a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings), we would have a legitimate interest in disclosing or transferring your information to a third party — such as an acquiring entity and its advisers.

    v. We can preserve or disclose personal information if the law requires us to do so. We can also preserve or disclose personal information if we believe it would be necessary to:

    Comply with the law or with legal process
    Protect and defend our rights and property
    Protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the Services
    Protect the safety or property of our personnel, users or the general public (e.g., if you provide false information or attempt to pose as someone else, we could share your information to help investigations into your actions)
    Cooperate with government authorities, which could be outside your country of residence.

    vi. We disclose public activities in our RSS feeds, APIs and other distribution formats. Your public activities could thus appear on other websites, blogs or feeds.

    Rights And Choices

    4. What Are Your Rights and Choices?

    We provide a variety of ways for you to control the personal information we hold about you, including choices about how we use that information. In some jurisdictions, these controls and choices are enforceable as rights under applicable law.

    4. (A) In General

    i. Communications Preferences

    The choices described below are limited to the specific email address, phone or device used. They won’t affect different email addresses, phones or devices used, or subsequent subscriptions.


    We offer a variety of commercial emails and email newsletters. You can unsubscribe from emails and email newsletters from The Times, including emails regarding The Athletic, by following the instructions near the bottom of the email. You can also email us at [email protected].

    Push Notifications:

    You can opt out any time by adjusting your device settings, or uninstalling our app.

    ii. Access, Correct, Change/Update, Delete or Restrict Processing of Your Personal Information

    In some jurisdictions, you may exercise the following choices:

    Access, modify or delete the personal information we have about you

    Be informed of or receive an electronic copy of the personal information we have about you, for data portability.

    Restrict, or object to, how we process personal information about you

    We’ll respond to your request in a manner consistent with applicable law, including any exceptions that may result in a request being denied in whole or in part.

    We might need to keep certain information for recordkeeping purposes, or to complete a transaction you began prior to requesting a change or deletion (e.g., if you make a purchase or enter a promotion, you might not be able to change or delete the personal information provided until after the completion of the purchase or promotion).

    In some cases, your request doesn’t ensure complete removal of the content or information.

    iii. Browser and Platform Controls

    Cookie Controls:

    Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can go to your browser settings to learn how to delete or reject cookies. If you choose to delete or reject cookies, this could affect certain features or services of our websites. If you choose to delete cookies, settings and preferences controlled by those cookies, including advertising preferences, may be deleted and may need to be recreated.

    In certain jurisdictions, you may also be able to manage your cookie preferences through our consent management platform.

    Global Privacy Control:

    Some browsers and browser extensions support the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”) that can send a signal to the websites you visit indicating your choice to opt-out from certain types of data processing, including data "sales" as defined under certain laws. In certain territories, when we detect such a signal, we will make reasonable efforts to respect your choices indicated by a GPC setting as required by applicable law.

    Do Not Track:

    Some browsers include a "Do Not Track" (DNT) setting that can send a signal to the websites you visit indicating you do not wish to be tracked. Unlike the GPC described above, there is not a common understanding of how to interpret the DNT signal; therefore, our websites do not respond to browser DNT signals. Instead, you can use the range of other tools to control data collection and use, including the cookie controls and advertising controls described above.

    Mobile Advertising ID Controls:

    iOS and Android operating systems provide options to limit tracking and/or reset the advertising IDs.

    Email Web Beacons:

    Most email clients have settings which allow you to prevent the automatic downloading of images, including web beacons, which prevents the automatic connection to the web servers that host those images.

    iv. Opt Out of Targeted Advertising and “Sales or Sharing” of Personal Information

    In order to exercise your right to opt out of targeted advertising or "sales" of your personal information, please click on the “Your Privacy Choices” link at the bottom of the webpage.

    v. Other Rights and Choices

    You will not receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of your privacy rights.

    This Policy has been designed to be accessible to people with disabilities. If you experience difficulties accessing this Policy, please contact us at [email protected]. If you’d like, you can lodge a complaint with a data protection authority. We encourage you to first contact us with any questions or concerns.

    In some jurisdictions, you may appeal to us if we refuse to take action on your exercise of certain choices described above. In order to appeal such a refusal, please contact us at [email protected] using the subject line “Take Action on Privacy Request” and provide the relevant information in the email.

    Others And Modifications To This Privacy Policy

    5. How Long Do You Retain Data?

    We store your personal information for as long as needed, or permitted, based on the reason why we obtained it (consistent with applicable law). This means we might retain your personal information even after you close your account with us.

    When deciding how long to keep your information, we consider:

    How long we have had a relationship with you or provided a Times Service to you

    Whether we are subject to any legal obligations (e.g., any laws that require us to keep transaction records for a certain period of time before we can delete them)

    Whether we have taken any legal positions (e.g., in connection with any statutes of limitation)

    Rather than delete your data, we might de-identify it by removing identifying details.

    6. How Do You Protect My Information?

    We protect your personal information with appropriate organizational, technological and physical safeguards — but we cannot guarantee its absolute security. We recommend that you use complex and unique passwords for your Times accounts and for third-party accounts linked to them. Do not share your password with anyone.

    If you have reason to believe your interaction with us is no longer secure, notify us immediately.

    7. Are There Guidelines for Children?

    Services are intended for a general audience and are not directed at children under (13) years of age.

    We do not knowingly gather personal information (as defined by the U.S. Children’s Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA) in a manner not permitted by COPPA. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe we have collected information from your child in a manner not permitted by law, contact us at [email protected]. We will remove the data to the extent required by applicable laws.

    8. How Is Information Transferred Internationally?

    The World Journal Company is headquartered in the United States. If you are located outside the United States, your information is collected in your country and then transferred to the United States — or to another country in which we (or our affiliates or service providers) operate.

    In certain situations, the courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies or security authorities in those countries might be entitled to access your personal information.

    9. What Is Our Legal Basis?

    In some jurisdictions, like the European Union and the European Economic Area, we only collect, use or share information about you when we have a valid reason. This is called a “lawful basis.” Specifically, this is one of the following:

    The consent you provide to us at the point of collection of your information

    The performance of the contract we have with you

    The compliance of a legal obligation to which we are subject, or

    The legitimate interests of The Times or a third party. “Legitimate interest” is a technical term under international laws, including the European Union General Data Protection Regulation. It means that there are good reasons for the processing of your personal information, and that we take measures to minimize the impact on your privacy rights and interests. “Legitimate interest” also refers to our use of your data in ways you would reasonably expect and that have a minimal privacy impact.

    We have a legitimate interest in gathering and processing personal information, for example: (1) to ensure that our networks and information are secure; (2) to administer and generally conduct business within The World Journal Company; (3) to prevent fraud; and (4) to conduct our marketing activities.

    10. What about Third-Party Services?

    Some Services contain links to third-party websites, resources, vendors and advertisers. These third parties are not Services. Additionally, Services may be available to you through third-party digital properties such as Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). We do not control (and are not responsible for) third party content or privacy practices. These third parties may independently collect and solicit information about you and affect your data preferences when you access the Services on third-party digital properties (see “Additional Notes” below for more information). Any personal information you provide to them is not covered by this Privacy Policy. These third parties have their own policies and practices about data, which may include what information they share with us, your rights and choices on their services and devices, and whether they store information in the U.S. or elsewhere. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with their privacy policies and terms of use.

    Additional Notes

    As mentioned above, some Services are offered on third-party digital properties (such as third-party websites, frameworks, and domains) which can affect our data practices and your data preferences. For example, we use Google AMP to help Services load quickly on mobile devices. We also use third-party properties to facilitate other Services, such as our Live Events.

    If you set your data preferences while using one of these third-party digital properties, your preferences will only be saved with respect to the Services on that specific third-party digital property. Your preferences will not carry over when you use the Services on The Times’s own digital properties. And, your preferences will only be saved on Google AMP and other third-party digital properties until your cookies are cleared. Once your cookies are cleared, you will need to reset your data preferences for each third-party digital property used to access Services.

    If your browser settings allow for cross-site tracking (e.g., allows for trackers to follow your preferences across websites), you can set your preferences on The Times’s digital properties so that your preferences will be remembered when you access the Services through Google AMP. However, if your browser settings do not allow for cross-site tracking, your preferences on The Times’s own digital properties will not carry over to the Services you access through Google AMP.

    If you are an European resident and you do not accept trackers (other than essential trackers) while using Services on AMP, you will be served non-personalized ads. If you do not accept trackers (other than essential trackers) while using the Services on The Times’s digital properties, you will receive The Times house ads or no ads at all.

    11. How Are Changes to this Privacy Policy Communicated?

    We are always improving our products and services, and we create new features regularly. These updates sometimes require us to collect new information or use what we already have differently. Further, the laws regarding personal information and privacy frequently change. As a result, we must periodically update this Privacy Policy.

    We will post any changes on this page by updating this policy. If we make a significant or material change in the way we collect, use or share your personal information, we will notify you at least 30 days prior to the changes taking effect. We will do this via email or prominent notice within Services. If you object to any change, you can stop using the Services.

    After we post any changes on this page, your continued use of Services is subject to the updated Privacy Policy.

    The World Journal Company is referred to in this Privacy Policy as included in “Services,” “we” or “our.”

    Modifications To This Privacy Policy

    The World Journal reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time by posting revisions on this Web page. Such changes will be effective upon posting.


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    Terms of Service

    Personal Information
    1. World Journal (hereinafter,”WJ”) is committed to the protection of Members privacy.
    2. All Members who register on the WJ website (hereinafter,”Website”) are required to confirm that the information which they provide to the Website is accurate and correct. In this regard, Members are required to provide the Website with all information necessary to fulfill any transaction on the Website, including but not limited to such information as (i) the method of payment, (ii) the Member’s preferred method of delivery; and (iii) the delivery address.
    3. The information provided by Members to the Website will be protected by secure technology, privacy protection controls and restrictions on WJ employee access and will not be disclosed or provided to any third-party expect as required in order to process Members’ transactions with goods and services providers or with other relevant parties.
    4. In addition to the foregoing, the Website reserves the right to release specific information about a Member’s account only (a) to comply with valid legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena or court order or as otherwise required by law or applicable administrative rule and/ or regulation;(b) as required for the implementation of this Agreement or in response to a breach of the agreed terms thereof by a Member or Members; (c) to maintain the normal operation of the system and the safety of the Website; or, (d) to protect the legitimate interests (I)of the Website; (ii) other Members of the Website; or (iii) of a third party.
    5. Members should use reasonable cave and diligence to safeguard their personal information, payment nformation (including credit card information), Username and Password in order to avoid unauthorized disclosure of such information. All actions taken by a Member on the Website after having accessed the Member’s account with his/her Username and Password will be considered the Member’s responsibility for which neither WJ nor the Website shall be liable.
    System Security
      This Website does not guarantee the information uploaded by members will be displayed properly, nor the transmission accuracy of the information; if Members find the errors or omissions on this Website, please inform the Customer Service Center of this Website immediately. This Website will backup information on a regular basis. This Website will not be responsible for (i) information deleted by mistake (ii) information lost by backup or (iii) information lost due to other technical and non-human causes.
    Online Payment
    1. Payment on this Website means that the Members intend to order the goods and intend to comply with the trading rules. Members should immediately update any changes to “Member Information” (such as home/business address, phone number, email address, etc.). Members shall not be permitted to deny order(s) or refuse to pay for such order(s) based upon information discrepancies resulting from Members’ failure to promptly update “Member Information”. The Website reserves the right to unilaterally enforce and to require online payment for orders notwithstanding discrepancies in “Member Information”.
    2. With regard to all online transactions on the Website, Members hereby agree that the online transaction records kept and maintained by the Website shall be deemed controlling for any and all purposes. In the event of any dispute between a Member and the Website, the online records kept and maintained by the Website shall be deemed final and binding on the Member. Members should immediately inform the Website’s Customer Service Center for any information discrepancies regarding any given transaction; otherwise, Members shall assume any and all negative consequences which may result therefrom, whether reasonably or foreseeable or not.
      In the event a Member wishes to terminate his/her subscription to the Website, subsequent to payment, the Member must inform the Website’s Customer Service Center of that decision via email and submit the requisite application cancelling such subscription not less than three (3) days prior to the date that the cancellation is to take effect. The Website will calculate any balance due to the Member based on the proportion of the days remaining in the subscription period. The Website shall make arrangements with the Member (within five (5) business days or such other reasonable period after receipt of the cancellation application) to refund such balance as may be due the Member.
    Miscellaneous Terms
    1. In addition to the foregoing terms, Members hereby agree to fully and completely comply with such other additional terms and conditions relating to matters concerning online payment and transactions as may, from time-to-time, be promulgated by the Website.
    2. The Website reserves the right to modify and/or revise these terms and such modified and/or revised terms shall be posted on the Website without additional individual notice to Members. Members agree that they are solely responsible for regularly monitoring the Website for such revisions and/or modifications to the terms hereof and agree in advance to fully comply with all such modified and/ or revised terms.